Every day we are being knowingly or unknowingly being exposed to hundreds and thousands of matters that we should never intake – be it pollution, unhealthy diet or the swaying microbes and allergens in the atmosphere. Perhaps it will take too long to completely eradicate pollution or the harmful effect of microbes, but what we can certainly do, is to take certain antidotes every day and procrastinate unhealthy eating habits to help remove harmful body toxins.

1. Cleansing the system

If you often feel fatigued, experience bloating, menstrual problems or mental confusion, have puffy and baggy eyes, and have unexplained and frequent low grade infections, allergies and dark circles, it’s possibly the right time to get your body cleansed. Cleansing or essentially detoxification is a program that rejuvenates all your vital organs and cleanses the impurities in your bloodstream. An effective detox program must include: a well monitored fasting regime, liver stimulation and toxin removal, improving blood circulation and feeding the body with healthy nutrients.

2. Detoxification diet

Once all your organs have worked together to detox your body, it’s time to feed your body with healthy nutrients. While juicing and smoothie recipes are popular detox diets, choosing the right ingredients is a prerequisite. Your recipes should be loaded with stuffs like beet, cabbage, broccoli, dandelion roots, Vitamin C, artichokes and processed algae like chlorella, seaweed and Spirulina. Drinking at least six glasses of water and two cups of green tea every day speeds up the detox process.

3. Sweating it out

Stress is one of the prime reasons of release of the toxins in your body. Such toxins can be effectively removed from our body by doing light exercises. Thirty minutes’ walk every day and breathing fresh oxygen, shakes off the excessive toxin load day by day. Yoga and Meditation are powerful exercise regimes that help in combatting stress and all associated ailments.

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