Summer is the time when you face various health issues such as electrolyte disharmony (due to excessive sweating), skin eruptions and dehydration. Here are 4 important health tips that will keep you active and feel refreshed in the summers:

Woman drinking a coconut cocktail with closed eyes

  1. Check your Eating Habits

Give relief to your system by adopting eating habits that helps in cooling down your body. This is especially true if you have a pitta type of Ayurvedic dosha. Fruits like Watermelon, Pears, Plums, Tender Coconut and berries are some of the best known water rich fruits. Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, cucumber and Brussels sprouts helps in replenishing and restoring the electrolytes in your body which are lost due to excessive sweating during summers.

On the contrary, foods that need to be avoided in this hot season are citrus fruits, carrots, tomato, nuts and sour cream. Add more quantity of green veggies to your diet.

  1. Avoiding Excessive Strain

Even if you love spending hours at gym, fitness experts say that reaping the true benefits out of a strenuous exercise routine isn’t as beneficial as exercising the right way. During summers, it’s best to exercise in the morning when the temperatures are low. Avoid doing vigorous exercise as more than doing any good, it soaks away all the good energy from your body and makes you feel lethargic all day.

  1. Using Cooling Oils

Coconut oil is one of the best cooling oils to be used for almost everything you do – be it cooking or for your skin, hair and beauty regimen.

Coconut oil is calming. Moisturise your body and hair with coconut oil, at least 15-20 minutes before taking bath and enjoy a soothing, calming and a cooling effect throughout the day. Likewise you can also reap the maximum benefits of some of the best essential oils like sandalwood oils in summers.

  1. Drinking – the right temperature

If you thought that a glass of an ice cold water will reenergize you, you might have just missed the thought that how the former can negatively impact your digestive system. Ice cold drinks are known to create toxins and inhibit the digestion process. Likewise, it’s quite wise to avoid having hot drinks like coffee and tea in summers, especially when you return home after a hot day at work. Sipping a glass of moderately cool water or tender coconut water after regular intervals is the best way to replenish your body for the lost water.