As stated “Prevention is better than Cure”, every disease can be prevented if not cured. Likewise Diabetes is one such disease which can be delayed if it is hereditary. Our lifestyle speaks volumes of our health condition. We need no test to confirm our health condition stable, the way we lead our life says enough of our current health condition.
TPThese days we very often see people getting attacked with high per tensions, heart attacks, diabetes, kidney failure, lung infections etc.. This frequency rate is very less 30 years back when compared to todays. The reasons are ample enough to discuss. The sophistication in every walk of life engulfed with technology is a prime accuser to list out. At the same time giving space voluntarily to such sophistication and blaming the technology is also not recommended. Perhaps at the end of the day it is your life which is on stake but not technology.

They are much advancement made in our daily routines starting from cooking at home to working at office and the means of commuting adapted. Despite all this take a pause and think about the repercussions occurred due to this kind of life style and make small amendments that make your life beautiful and lengthen perhaps.

After reaching a certain age like 30 plus we need to adapt to a lifestyle where we get enough physical exercise and balanced diet to keep our body mass apt on scale depending on the height. These cautious measures not only keep health ailments at bay but also delay all kinds of hereditary diseases.

Let us take an example of Diabetes,though Diabetes is considered genetic proper planning in lifestyle would make wonders in keeping the disease at bay. Healthy lifestyle involves

  • Waking up early in the morning to go for a brisk walk or jogging or yoga.
  • Start the day with a warm green tea and quick break fast
  • Switch on to your daily routine and break for a fast lunch with a cup of cereals and lots of veggie.
  • Snack out with fruits or less oil food.
  • End the night meal with roti or phulka with a glass of milk and tuck into your bed to start the same routine the next morning.

These little steps seem to look simple but need to be followed properly to fetch great results in building up your confidence levels apart from good health.

Many of the professions are sedentary these days so working out on physical perspective is a must, this not only reduces your stress levels but also keeps blood sugar levels constant. Diabetes is one such disease which ruins your life when not diagnosed and treated properly, unhygienic and hereditable conditions owe in getting affected with this disease.

As stated” health is wealth “and real wealth cannot compete with this slogan and is mere useless how much ever you earn if you have no health. So I sign off with this note and wish all my bloggers a healthy life.

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